A Message Of Hope

by Sep 1, 2024

In the tapestry of faith, a story unfolds,
As female pastors respond, their truth in verses told,
Some say the Bible denies their sacred quest,
But in its pages, female leaders are manifest.

Deborah, a prophetess and judge so grand,
In Judges, her wisdom we understand,
She led Israel with grace, her voice did rise,
A beacon of hope beneath the vast skies.

Esther, a queen, in times of great dread,
Her courage and faith, the scriptures have said,
She saved her people, with heart unswerved,
A leader, a hero, by God’s will deserved.

Huldah, a prophet, her wisdom’s light shone,
In Chronicles’ scrolls, her words were known,
Her counsel was sought in times of despair,
A woman of God, in a world so unfair.

Miriam, a leader, in Exodus portrayed,
She led with song, as Israel’s faith swayed,
A prophetess dancing, with tambourine’s grace,
Her leadership, God’s chosen embrace.

Now the times have changed, a modern refrain,
In the world we see, a different terrain,
For women’s leadership, the world is ready,
In boardrooms, and pulpits, strong, steady, and steady.

Equality in Christ, they firmly declare,
The Bible’s message, they boldly wear,
A message that’s timeless, a gift from above,
Empowering women with God’s boundless love.

In Romans, the faithful Prisca they find,
With Aquila, she taught, their hearts intertwined,
Lydia, a seller of purple, so bold,
Her home became a haven, where the message was told.

And Phoebe, a deacon, a servant so dear,
Her service to others, her faith crystal clear,
Junia, an apostle, her mission profound,
Their stories of leadership in the Bible are found.

Times have changed, and women arise,
In leadership roles, under heaven’s skies,
The world now welcomes, a new paradigm,
With women’s voices, God’s message in rhyme.

So, in conclusion, female pastors convey,
A message of hope, in a more equal day,
The role of women in the church, they define,
As rooted in love, in God’s grand design.

If this story has raised difficult things for you and you are seeking support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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