Please note: Kathy wrote and submitted this post earlier this year, before the final Way Forward framework was released.
When I first heard about the Conference as an element of the LCANZ’s Way Forward model, I pictured it as a hug: a hug from the entire LCANZ that encircles the Conference. It says to me that we are no longer about winners and losers, but as LCANZ we want to make space for all. Even those whose offended us. Even those we’ve offended.
To me, the model reflects the grace we’ve been given through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is powered not by anyone’s good intentions but by Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. As such, we have more than enough power to extend the grace we have received to others.
That’s why from the moment I knew about the model I knew it was something I can (and do) pray towards.
At another level, the Way Forward model is simply an appropriate response to the resolution of last year’s Convention of General Synod. It meets all the requirements that make up the resolution. It ticks all the boxes … but someone else can explain that.
We don’t like to hug or to be hugged by people who have offended us. For this vision to be realised we’ll all need to face our anger and grief about where we have been and the hurts we’ve been holding. We’ll need to put down our weapons so that we have our hands free to be part of this hug. We need to allow our feeble intentions and prayers to be supercharged by God’s resurrection power.
Are you ready for a hug?