All stories by Pastor Nathan Hedt
Praying Around The Clock 

Praying Around The Clock 

An invitation to join a 24 hour prayer room between Pastor’s Conference and Synod Often the New Testament urges us as Christians to ‘pray continually.’ But what does that really mean? The NT is often written in the plural but we read it in the singular. To pray...

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From Fuzzy Felt To Fully Formed

From Fuzzy Felt To Fully Formed

I grew up in a fairly typical Lutheran church. As I was growing up there was never any question whether women could be pastors or not. Of course not. Everyone knew that women couldn’t be pastors, because they never had been. Besides, Jesus only chose male disciples. I...

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Most recent stories

Not Yet Tears Of Joy

Not Yet Tears Of Joy

It’s been six weeks since the Way Forward was adopted at the National Synod. As someone who has been an advocate for the ordination of women for decades and who has listened to the pain and suffering of those who have been called by God but rejected by the LCANZ, I...

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The Edge Of Belonging

The Edge Of Belonging

In silence groans caught up in prayer we plead for those we love not from the joyless stance of Judas returning to consciousness after betraying his deepest self but from an open-heart broken and gifted able to question and wonder hopeful in uncertainty free to...

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Be Opened

Be Opened

There is a lot of talk about our need for resilience these days. I don’t know about you, but it conjures up for me, images of having to try harder, be braver, and have more positive thoughts, the latter of which has always been difficult for me. I’m more likely to cry...

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