All stories by Libby Jewson
I Knew Which Path to Take

I Knew Which Path to Take

Suddenly, the scales fell from my eyes.  My heart seemingly turned in my chest cavity and I found it hard to breathe. It was like someone had shown me a route on a map that I did not know existed. You see, for the first time my Christian faith, my Lutheranism, my...

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Most recent stories

The Edge Of Belonging

The Edge Of Belonging

In silence groans caught up in prayer we plead for those we love not from the joyless stance of Judas returning to consciousness after betraying his deepest self but from an open-heart broken and gifted able to question and wonder hopeful in uncertainty free to...

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Be Opened

Be Opened

There is a lot of talk about our need for resilience these days. I don’t know about you, but it conjures up for me, images of having to try harder, be braver, and have more positive thoughts, the latter of which has always been difficult for me. I’m more likely to cry...

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It’s In The Book!

It’s In The Book!

The quick and easy way to end disputes. . .or maybe not. One of the great pleasures in life for some of us is a good game of Scrabble or – my favourite – Upwords.  A dear Aunty of mine and I are keen players, and the main house rule is about whether a word can be...

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