An open letter to the College of Bishops and the General Church Board of the LCANZ (iv)

by Jan 29, 2023

Date: 16 January 2023

Dear Bishop Paul Smith, Assistant Bishop Neville Otto, Bishop David Altus, Bishop Lester Priebbenow, Bishop Mark Vainikka, Bishop Mark Whitfield, Bishop Mike Fulwood, Bishop Robert Bartholomaeus, and members of the General Church Board: Pastor Tim Stringer, Kim Baumeler, Paul Argyle, Charmaine Harch, Tim Wiebusch, Mel Zerner and Peter Zweck,

Christ’s grace and peace be with you.

Our LCANZ General Convention of Synod is fast approaching. With that comes a sense of hope and optimism for much needed healing to occur in our Church. The majority of the LCANZ continue to be hopeful for the implementation of the ordination of both women and men. This will enable us as a whole Church to move forward into rejuvenation and regrowth as the whole body of Christ. At the same time there is no doubt that fear of change, mistrust, anxiety and uncertainty are also present in the leadup to Synod. We pray for faith, hope and love amidst the challenges and messiness as we come together with our imperfections on the floor of Synod.

The purpose of this letter is to identify three areas in relation to women’s ordination for your consideration, discussion, and response.

  1. There has been much discussion in relation to hearing from women who are called to the ordained ministry and giving them a time slot designated for sharing their voice from the floor of Synod. The signatories of this letter implore the GCB and CoB to allocate intentional time for two or three women who are called to the ordained ministry to share their story of call with the Church.

From our knowledge and experience, throughout this debate over many decades, no woman has ever been asked or allowed to share her story in relation to being called to the ordained ministry. It is time for delegates voting on the ordination of women to hear the voices of these women in an especially allocated time slot.

  1. While public discussion is always fraught with risk, collectively we can work on intentionally providing an environment of mutual respect, non-judgementalism, encouragement and Christian love; while at the same time discouraging conduct and behaviour that deliberately derails, undermines and deflects attention away from the focus of discussion. While we can all model healthy and safe behaviour personally, GCB and CoB have an even more crucial role in both modelling and holding people accountable for their behaviour on the floor of Synod. Thank you for leading strongly in this area during the recent town hall sessions and in the communication to delegates. We encourage you to actively continue to foster healthy, respectful engagement on the Synod floor in February 2023.
  2. There seems to be a lack of clarity as to how the absentee votes and abstentions are counted on the floor of Synod. Are these votes automatically counted as ‘no’ votes on any voting matter? And if so, on what basis does this occur? Understanding this process is crucial for all delegates and for respectful and good order during the Synod. Furthermore, if the voting result is close, please clarify the procedure for when and how a decision for a recount would be made.

In thinking about responding to these three points, perhaps the GCB and CoB could:

  • Provide a designated timeslot for women in the Synod agenda to present their call to ordained ministry for consideration by the delegates;
  • actively nurture Christian unity as a way of reducing divisive behaviour during Synod, and working more closely together, in an environment of shared learning and shared responsibility, where differences of opinion are accepted and even encouraged; and
  • be transparent in explaining the details of the voting system, thus reducing ambiguity and fostering clarity.

In conclusion, we long for the ordination of both women and men in the LCANZ to be implemented at Synod in February so that continued debate that leaves us divided can finally cease. Our already divided and dwindling Church can receive healing as we all step out together with the Gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in the manifold ways each woman and man has been called, gifted, and equipped to serve God through our Church. Instead of holding our women back, we look forward to welcoming many more labourers in the harvest field to share the faith, hope and love of Jesus with the world. 

Thank you for taking the time to hear and consider our voices. It would be very helpful if you could address our questions either in a direct response or publicly. We will publish this open letter on Streams in the Desert ( and Women at the Well ( and would like to publish your response on these platforms with your permission.

Lastly, we would like to advise that excerpts from our previous open letters to you have been published as part of the recent book ‘Unless they are sent – affirming the ordination of women and men in the LCANZ’ (edited by Tanya Wittwer). Most Synod delegates have already received a copy in the mail and the book will be available on the Australian Christian Resources (ACR) table during Synod. It is also available on

In God’s grace and peace


  1. Maria Rudolph
  2. Libby Jewson
  3. Cathryn Hamilton
  4. Liz Winderlich
  5. Margaret Modra
  6. John Zeppel
  7. Helen Lockwood
  8. Tanya Wittwer
  9. Kathy Matuschka
  10. Sue Westhorp
  11. Joy Christian
  12. David Christian
  13. Geoff Burger
  14. Steen Olsen
  15. Robert Voigt
  16. Jeff Silcock
  17. Dean Zweck
  18. Bob Kempe
  19. Vic Pfitzner
  20. Shelley Koch
  21. Stephen Haar
  22. Maurice Schild
  23. Peter Lockwood
  24. Louis A Moss
  25. Jordan Moore
  26. Dania Ahern
  27. Brian Ahern
  28. Marg Simpfendorfer
  29. Jo Freckelton
  30. David Freckelton
  31. Monica Christian
  32. Ivan Christian
  33. Deborah Myers
  34. Peter Pfitzner
  35. Ian Graue
  36. Greg Bensted
  37. Peter Bean
  38. Anna Watson
  39. Jennie Jones
  40. James Jones
  41. Margaret Mickan
  42. Susan Wood
  43. Tim Castle-Schmidt
  44. Iris Gladigau
  45. Gary Jewson
  46. Paul Meyer
  47. Betty Meyer
  48. Denise Grieshaber
  49. Mark Lieschke
  50. Peter Hage
  51. Helen Burger
  52. Kenneth Stringer
  53. Yvonne Claus
  54. Helene Schulz
  55. Sharryn Cook
  56. John Schubert
  57. Cathy Brown
  58. Ruth Olsen
  59. Joyce Graue
  60. Ruth Rathjen
  61. Alan Collyer
  62. Coral Collyer
  63. Bruce Lockwood
  64. Michelle Eastwood
  65. Wendy Begg
  66. Allen Kloeden
  67. Martin Albrecht
  68. Tick Zweck
  69. Chris Mann
  70. Lynette Williams
  71. Jim Strelan
  72. Joy Strelan
  73. Alison Jarick
  74. Emily Hunt
  75. Alison Short
  76. Anita Short
  77. Roger Hunter
  78. Marie Miegel
  79. Rick Strelan
  80. Inari Thiel
  81. Sue Kloeden
  82. Karen Dymke
  83. Nathan Hedt
  84. Julie Hahn
  85. Lynne Schmidt
  86. Steven Cramer
  87. Shiron Dixon
  88. Jan Baker
  89. Lester Dreckow
  90. Debbie Dreckow
  91. Merrilyn Beaumont
  92. Mark Christian
  93. Patricia Walker
  94. Gus Schutz
  95. Steve Liersch
  96. Ben Hentschke
  97. Dylan Miegel
  98. Robin Mann
  99. Dorothy Mann
  100. Juanita Kleinig
  101. Ian Rentsch
  102. Lyn Marshall
  103. Ray Schulz
  104. Nerida Schulz
  105. Heidi Joy
  106. Ronda Rohrlach
  107. Rob Rohrlach
  108. Brian Wandel
  109. Diane Wandel
  110. David Schuller
  111. Geoff Crooks
  112. Peter Hudson
  113. Susanne Hudson
  114. John Juers
  115. Miriam Juers
  116. Jeff Wood
  117. Chris Bartholomaeus
  118. Pamela Richardson
  119. Clive Richardson
  120. Ray Meharg
  121. Karel Tepper
  122. Vibeke Hopley
  123. Paul Schulz
  124. David Filsell
  125. Dawn Ehrke
  126. Ron Ehrke
  127. Narelle Shallard
  128. Monica Hueppauff
  129. Kaye Pfeiffer
  130. Amanda Garrett
  131. Irene Faith Joppich
  132. Karen Peters
  133. Gary Peters
  134. Geraldine Avent
  135. Gladys Koch
  136. Edwin Koch
  137. Joy van der Hoek
  138. Kay Buckland
  139. Peter Buckland
  140. Rod Schubert
  141. Melinda Zavalis
  142. Mike Vitale
  143. Val Vitale
  144. Nicky Bricknell
  145. Gloria Harch
  146. Michael Rudolph
  147. Mark Butler
  148. Judy Bartels
  149. Armin
  150. Hannah Pietsch
  151. Anna Nürnberger
  152. Helen Middelmann
  153. Tony von Brandenstein
  154. Peter Westhorp
  155. Marion Schubert
  156. Mark Schubert
  157. Junette Schoell
  158. Edwin Schoell
  159. Shirley Schubert
  160. Tania Nelson
  161. Graeme Lienert
  162. Christine Cunningham
  163. Elaine Schultz
  164. Kate Beaumont
  165. Jordana Wilson
  166. John Pumpa
  167. Lucy Pumpa
  168. Mark Simpfendorfer
  169. Elsbeth Ampt
  170. Owen Dixon
  171. Bryce Walker
  172. Klaus Schulz
  173. Heather Mithen
  174. Anna Kroehn
  175. Lee Kroehn
  176. Karyn Cullen
  177. Irma Dymke
  178. Teresa Goldsbrough
  179. Leena Vuorinen
  180. Trudi Doblin
  181. Maryanne Molenaar
  182. Stephen Nuske
  183. Julie Nuske
  184. Kathy Thompson
  185. Sarah Thompson
  186. Carmen Ost
  187. John Beaumont
  188. David Miles
  189. Isabel Mason
  190. John Hoffmann
  191. Erika Hoffmann
  192. Margaret Hammerer
  193. Rainer Hammerer
  194. Anna Zweck
  195. Gordon Wegener
  196. Marie Wilson
  197. Lara Messom
  198. Christopher Messom
  199. Lily Messom
  200. Graham Greenberger
  201. Rosalie Greenberger
  202. Grace Tink
  203. Kay Robinson
  204. Doris Groth
  205. Klaus Groth
  206. Jürgen Kahlfeld
  207. Niels Kroyer
  208. Teresa Kroyer
  209. Marlene Crone
  210. Alyssa Leach
  211. Brad Leach
  212. Adam Kramer
  213. Karlea Kramer
  214. Barbara Mattiske
  215. Grant Mattiske
  216. Jan Haar
  217. Marcia Lohe
  218. Peter Hoffmann
  219. Jan Hoffmann
  220. Mariany Crone
  221. Michael Crone
  222. Jason Sander
  223. Jennifer Sander
  224. Arianah Sander
  225. Valerie Volk
  226. Ingrid Synwoldt
  227. Margaret Hunt
  228. John Hunt
  229. Gerhard Rüdiger
  230. Liz Mibus
  231. Lois Hage
  232. Jennie Edwards
  233. Bill Edwards
  234. Wayne Zweck
  235. Wendy Zweck
  236. Sherry Fairbairn
  237. Stuart Fairbairn
  238. Shirley Linke
  239. Ronda Held
  240. Elva Mutton
  241. Geoff Mutton
  242. Timothy Pietsch
  243. Ann Pietsch
  244. Lisa Miles
  245. Max Kanowski
  246. Freda Kanowski
  247. Rachel Crooks
  248. Timothy Muller
  249. Mary Muller
  250. Cheryl Wilson
  251. Graham Wilson
  252. Hermann Scriba
  253. Frauke Scriba
  254. Gudrun MacDonald
  255. Hans Hornscheidt
  256. Helga van Rooyen
  257. Volney Klintworth
  258. Rosemarie Klintworth
  259. Sigrid Kramp
  260. Monika Reif
  261. Stefanie Strunk
  262. Joy Wundersitz
  263. Geoff Wundersitz
  264. Robin Braunack
  265. Heiko Plange
  266. Kirsten Zweck
  267. Darren Trentepohl
  268. Kate Traeger
  269. Jacob Traeger
  270. Stephen Miegel
  271. Colleen Fitzpatrick
  272. Heather Schuller
  273. Colleen Ball
  274. Janny Thomas
  275. James Wilson
  276. Beverley Wilson
  277. Norma Sellner
  278. Grace Schache
  279. Jill Ottens
  280. Graham Ottens
  281. John Held
  282. Jacqui Liu
  283. Stephen Wang
  284. Sue Schubert
  285. Gemma Girke
  286. Skye Newton
  287. Chris Guntner
  288. Kym Ritchie
  289. Bronwyn Ritchie
  290. Elizabeth Miller
  291. Nathan Wessling
  292. Erik Tikoft
  293. Susanne Tikoft
  294. Graeme Tepper
  295. Tommi Vuorinen
  296. Fred Veerhuis
  297. Mark Vainikka
  298. Minna Vainikka
  299. Samuel Vainikka
  300. Miriam Vainikka
  301. Sam Vainikka
  302. Eva Pailas
  303. Harry Mithen
  304. Maureen Walkemeyer
  305. Stuart Heinrich
  306. Andrew Graebner
  307. Mike Graebner
  308. Diane Graebner
  309. John Peffer
  310. Fiona Peffer
  311. Roslyn Schulz
  312. Peter Schulz
  313. Liz Wieland
  314. Lois Whittal
  315. Roger Whittal
  316. Linda Leibbrandt
  317. Christine Sindt
  318. John Gerlach
  319. Peter Maley
  320. Jenny Maley
  321. Ashlee Jewson
  322. David Walkenhorst
  323. Janet Evans
  324. Murray Evans
  325. Yvonne Claus
  326. Karen Crouch
  327. Glenn Crouch
  328. Robin Hueppauff
  329. Andre Jewson
  330. Hilde Grey
  331. Ruth Brisbane
  332. Dean Solmundson
  333. Colin Hentschke
  334. Carolyn Carson
  335. Tiffany Turner
  336. Andrew Pietsch
  337. Chey Mattner
  338. Libby Mattner
  339. Kathy Wilson
  340. David Wilson
  341. Lauren Grieger

If this story has raised difficult things for you and you are seeking support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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