A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change.
So let’s all choose to challenge.
How will you help forge a gender equal world?
Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.
Women at the Well aims to challenge the status quo in relation to women’s ordination in the LCANZ. We do this through storytelling. Every week, stories unfold describing women’s and men’s lived experiences — their hurt and hope, their sadness and their joy — on the journey towards women’s ordination in the LCANZ. And these stories are getting noticed!
Now more than ever it seems that in Australia, women’s stories must be told in the public arena. Disrespect, the abuse of power and control and gender inequality must be challenged. Empowerment, respect and equality of opportunity must be encouraged. Women at the Well opens the reader to stories of bravery, courage, persistence and challenge. And from this, and by working together, we believe change will come.
Thank you for being part of this story and for supporting Women at the Well. Today, on the eve of International Women’s Day, we challenge you to share this website with 3 other people. Encourage them to read and truly listen to the stories. Encourage them to in turn, share them with others. Perhaps there’s a specific story you’d like to link them to. Together change will happen, and we will see the opening of the Gospel in ways we can’t even imagine. How we long for that day.
Today we link you with the Lutheran World Federation Gender Justice Policy, the International Women’s Day homepage and the Streams in the Desert homepage. These pages are full of information regarding gender equality and contain excellent resources to help support each and every one of us we continue to challenge the status quo.