A Perplexing Anecdote

by Sep 13, 2020

As a recent migrant to South Australia (2006) I got interested in, and to some degree involved with, the Lutheran Church of Australia. In a conversation with a friend about the Ordination of Women she told me about her discussion with her mother about this issue. My friend’s mum stated that she could never receive Holy Communion from a female minister. My friend, fully perplexed, responded: “So, for you the hand from which you receive Communion is more important than these gifts of God?”

I don’t remember her mum’s response but thought this little story captures well the issue at hand — literally!

In fact, in subsequent years I have heard similar statements, interestingly mainly from women within the LCA. When asked why, the answer would often be a rather helpless reference to the teaching of the Church.

A response that made me often feel sad.

If this story has raised difficult things for you and you are seeking support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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